June 08, 2015
Welcome to the Brotherhood.
Named and modelled in honour of the first coffee fanatic in their family - Uncle Basil
- Brother Basil set out to create a coffee in the market that gave tribute to the men and women of the past who prefer their coffee in a classic fashion: smooth, dark and stylish.
Their focus is less on superfluous packaging and marketing campaigns, and instead on sourcing quality beans and putting in the time to get the roast just right, ensuring quality consistency is their key attribute and priority.
Family owned and operated, The Brotherhood is made up of friends and family who all have the same passion for quality and enthusiasm in the industry. Founder Damien Jennings says “It’s a huge bonus for me to come from such a large family and have so many intelligent, talented and passionate people to draw inspiration from”. Based in Northern Melbourne, their team consists of founder Damien, his partner Amelia, his sister Leanne, head roaster Edward, and their designer Sarah. This small team pump out the goods on scale, and are all remarkably good looking people (it’s either in the genes or there’s something in the coffee they’re drinking).
“We have created lives we love, to have a team that wakes up every morning and are excited to come to work, is what makes this company awesome”.“Make sure you savour the cup you are drinking, take your time to soak it all in.”
On that note, the Brothers have not disappointed. With you today is the deliciously balanced premium blend masterfully crafted over the last two years. Smooth and silky, it’s a crowd pleaser that appeals to the very essence of why you enjoy coffee. You can almost taste their pride in every pour.
The aromas are from a variety of beans showering down from Brazil, Honduras and Ethiopia, giving it sweet baked vanilla notes, stone fruits and a heavy maple syrup smack in the mouth. It’s a flavour profile your mind was engineered to love.
It was great to meet Damien and the Brothers while we tasted and chatted about all things coffee. As we parted, Damien left us with one key reminder:
“Roasters all over the world take time to make sure that every bag of coffee produced turns into a cup that will help ease your day in some way”.
Wise words from the Brothers.
Photos by Nikola Janey.