February 03, 2023

This month the Thieves Team has reached max excitement level because we have the honour of collaborating with our longtime roastery crush and innovative coffee industry legends Proud Mary.


Why are we gushing over Proud Mary? Well, their reputation in the industry is pretty up there. Since beginning their operation over a decade ago, their focus has purely been on sourcing some of the most sought after (and premium priced) coffees in the world. They discover elite lots of coffee and use innovative ways, such as frozen grind, to take the coffee to the next level! 

Frozen grind is essentially grinding frozen beans, which allows for a more uniform grind and particle size distribution, leading to an even tastier, more even brew. They’ve developed a process to age the coffee and then ‘freeze’ the beans for optimum freshness which reduces the need to dial in every day and discard a vast amount of incredibly precious beans. Less wastage on the roasters side also has a great effect on how much the farmers get paid for all their hard work. Win win.

Hot tip from Proud Mary: freeze your beans below -15 degrees celcius at the peak of their brewing potential. Make sure the container is air tight. Voila!


“Having joined the team here at Proud Mary last year lots has happened. We’ve opened a huge location in Austin Texas, released about 10 different Geisha Varietal coffees and hosted MICE Week (Melbourne International Coffee Expo) – where the who’s who of coffee came to town!” 

– Callum Hare, Head of Sales at Proud Mary

Since starting their operation, Proud Mary has jumped across the ocean to Portland, Oregon, a place that many coffee lovers would claim is the ‘Home of Coffee’ (at least in America :-)). They’ve also recently opened up shop in barbecue, craft beer and coffee-shop-studded Austin, Texas. It’s an exciting time for Proud Mary and we can’t wait to share the results of their hard yakka with our Thieves Community!



Mantiqueira Lot 2

This is the first time a Thieves featured roaster has showcased the same coffee roasted for espresso and filter. Which makes us think, “Can one coffee rule them all?” Spoiler alert, in this case it sure can!

This month’s coffee comes from the beautiful Mantiqueira de Minas region of Brazil. This area has produced coffee for over 100 years and is currently one of the most awarded regions in the country. Most Brazilian coffee grows at lower elevations on flat surfaces – making it efficient and easy to use machines to harvest the coffee. This lot is actually handpicked due to the mountainous landscape, which is pretty unique and results in a larger berry yield and higher cup quality. 

Due to being more particular during harvest, the coffee is higher in sweet-ness and has a syrupy mouthfeel with more complex aromas. It’s a natu-ral processed coffee, dried for 20 to 25 days on raised African beds, then roasted for a delicious, mild and easy drinking coffee, or for ease with the Thieves and Proud Mary exclusive capsule coffee. Enjoy!

Coffee Origin:

Tasting Notes:
Brown sugar, chocolate, nutty, molasses – sweet with a syrupy mouthfeel.

Suggested Recipe for Filter:
Dose 32 grams 
Water 500 grams @ 93 degrees 
Bloom 60 grams / 30 seconds 
Slow pour for 1 min 45 sec 
Drip through at 2 min 10 sec 
*For a small serve just halve all

Suggested Recipe for Espresso:
20g in
50g out
28 seconds
9 bars pressure

